Train ‘n Go

Train ‘n Go is a hybrid version of residency training and private lessons which is best suited to the highly motivated owner. Outcomes are dependent on an owner being able to complete their portion of the training with their dog three times a day for approximately 15 minutes each and begin incorporating training in every day routines.

With the Train ‘n Go program, we train your dog at our facility for 4 days each week and provide the owner with a 2-hour lesson, teaching you how to train your dog the rest of the week. One rotation of Train ‘n Go completes the material of Program 1 – Manners Matter.  Two rotations of Train ‘n Go progresses you and your dog through all Program 1 material, as well as the material taught in Program 2 – Optimal Obedience.

Scheduling options for the Train ‘n Go Manners Matter is 2 consecutive weeks. Train ‘n Go Optimal Obedience is 4 weeks. These can be 4 consecutive weeks or two 2-week sessions with a short break in between.