Is your dog hyper, shy, or timid? Is he walking you? Would you like control of your dog? Is she jumping, barking, counter surfing or digging? Dog training takes time, patience, practice, and dog training must be positive. Dogs learn best through positive reinforcement.
Regardless of the problem or challenge, we have a dog training program to fit your needs. We offer residency training programs and private lessons. During a residency program, your dog is trained by our professional trainers, in time frames from 8 days to 28 days. Private lessons are either 3 or 6 sessions long, during which we training you to train your dog at home.
Additionally, we utilize a program called Train ‘N Go, which is a combination of our residency days where we train your dog, a private lesson, followed by days where you train your dog. No matter which program you choose, our step-by-step training approach will guide you and your dog through each of our programs.
We are striving for a relationship between you and your dog that is based on more than obedience; however, obedience is the foundation to clear, effective, and consistent lines of communication.
Next Steps
The first step for enrolling in any of our training programs is to schedule an evaluation with one of our trainers. During the evaluation, the trainer will discuss the issues you are facing, as well as the goals you have for your dog. Your trainer will also help you determine which of our training programs would best meet your dog’s needs while addressing your behavioral concerns and achieving your goals.
Our residency programs are ideal for people going on vacation, busy lifestyles, families with small children, or perhaps you just want to leave the training to the professionals. We will provide you with several opportunities to learn the commands and to feel confident with your dog’s new obedience skills through 1-hour pre-training lessons, a 1.5 hour go home lesson, and 1 hour follow up lessons based on your program of choice. We can train your dog to perform for us, but our specialty lies in the ability to transfer these skills to you and your family members.
Private lessons and group lessons are ideal for “go-getters”. Those who want the pleasures of training their own dog. You must incorporate training into your daily life and make training fun for you and your dog. We encourage you to involve all family members and make obedience training a way of life. Private lessons can be given at our training facility or in your own home.
Train & Go is a combination of our residency programs where we train your dog and private lessons where we train you to train your dog. You must drop your dog off and pick up them up daily for three consecutive days and two to four consecutive weeks depending on desired length of program. Drop off time is between 7 am and 9 am and pick up time is between 4:30 pm and 7 pm. On your 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th training days you will receive a 1.5 hour private lesson and “homework”.
While training your dog must be fun, not all dogs can be trained the same. Some dogs are hyper, shy, aggressive or any combination of these traits. Other dogs require a soft touch while others require firm handling. Training must be tailored to bring out the success in your dog, therefore, we evaluate and train dogs according to their individual personalities. We have to learn to communicate with dogs at their level, not expect them to understand our level of human communication.
All of our dog training is tailored toward real-life situations like, passing another dog on a walk, ringing the doorbell, greeting other people and dogs, etc., as well as practical applications such as no jumping, eliminating excessive barking, house manors, and house and crate training. The lower the distraction the greater chance of your dog following our commands. We raise the distractions and help you conquer the everyday hassles of living with an untrained dog. Leadership, discipline, and love are the recipe for success.
We look forward to serving you and your dog.